Pachamama Style loves volunteer work!

Pachamama Style loves volunteer work!

Pachamama Style was at Booterstown Marsh Clean-up Volunteer Team last Sunday. I am Ozlem from Pachamama (First one left on photo). Every year we do this clean up by volunteering An Taisce.

As you all know , Pachamama Style is a Baby and Kids Clothing Online Boutique based in Sandymount, Dublin 4. For a better future, we love to sell sustainable and pure cotton clothing and love all kinds of environmental volunteer works .

Let me tell you more about this amazing work and importance of the area. We all pass by BOOTERSTOWN MARSH🍃 just by the DART STATIO.

The only remaining saltmarsh on the south shore of Dublin Bay - it provides an environmental awareness amenity within an urban setting.

A brackish water marsh, approx. 4.3 ha, with both salt and fresh water intakes. It has a seasonal and annual fluctuation in its pattern of vegetation and this instability is characteristic of marshes of this type.

The only Bird Sanctuary in South Dublin Bay - Dublin Bay is an internationally important feeding and roosting area for ducks, geese and waders, and probably holds the highest concentration of wintering waterfowl of an Irish estuary.

As part of the Dublin Bay area, Booterstown Marsh is an essential refuelling and resting spot for migrating birds and provides three main habitats ranging from freshwater to saltwater.

It is our biggest responsibility as parents is  to educate our children for life . Please teach your kids to love,protect and respect nature, for a better future .